Colville Collection Book 8

GOLD... A History and Tales of Gold and Mining in Northeast Washington
compiled by Patrick J. Graham, 2018
Stevens County has always been first in mining in the State of Washington. Within the confines of this county, the first gold in the state was discovered. The first lead, silver, copper, tungsten and uranium of any consequence was also discovered in Stevens County. In 1934, Ferry and Stevens counties produced 81% of all gold mined in the state of Washington. Read about this amazing history and some of the intersting stories connected with mining in northeast Washington .... 73 pages plus bibliography and index.

Chapter 1 - "Gold"... First Discovery
Chapter 2 - Troops on the Way to Ft. Colville
Chapter 3 - The Chinese Cometh
Chapter 4 - Anti-Chinese Discrimination
Chapter 5 - Last Two Chinese on Upper Columbia
Chapter 6 - Tragedy Strikes
Chapter 7 - Tom Graham Remembers Ah Tai
Chapter 8 - The Lost Doukhobor Ledge
Chapter 9 - The Northport Smelter Heist
Chapter 10 - Columbia River Gold - 1981
Chapter 11 - The Whole Story of Columbia River Gold
Chapter 12 - Janni's Chimney of Ore
Chapter 13 - Colville's Gold Mystery Still Prevails
Chapter 14 - Colville Once Had a Smelter
Chapter 15 - Say "Gold" Say "Knob Hill"
Chapter 16 - Metaline Falls Gold
Chapter 17 - Germania Mine...Tungston to Germany
Chapter 18 - GOLD - Promising Area Mines
Chapter 19 - News of the Colville Countrty